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Date(s) - 04/12/2020
7:00 pm - 9:45 pm


Festival Inauguration & Creative Crossover

In its fifth year now and given the circumstances related to covid-19, the IAPAR International theatre festival is committed to finding new ways to keep theatre alive and to continue to engage with stakeholders, creators and audiences. The festival this year will feature several online events along with three on-ground activites at the venue in the heart of the city, Pune.

Creative Crossover is an attempt to allow artists from India and abroad to collaborate on a project and premiere the work at the festival.

About Constant Acts of Disobeying:

The Argentinian anthropologist –one of the most influential intellectuals in Latin America, Rita Segato– reflects on recent cases of violence against women and sexual non-conformism in Chile, and explains the opportunities that feminism gives men to dismantle what she calls the “mandate of masculinity”! The feminist movement is helping men liberate themselves!
For way too long women across the globe have been furious, angry and yet still hopeful about being a woman. This collaboration is an attempt to reflect on the censorship of a womans body, her thoughts and her voice. It also aims to question our relationships with the other gender, our sexuality and our ways of life! How can the “mandate of masculinity” be taken down? What role does the feminist movement play in this struggle? How do we meet each other half way through? How do we bridge this gap?
This performance is a collaborative investigation into facilitating this dialogue and will be created with live physical performances at the venues happening simultaneously in India and well as France.
Constant Acts of Disobeying and Avyakta (Unexpresses) are works in progress to be performed by Margot Bareyt (France), Sayli Kulkarni Joshi (India) and Tanvi Hegde (India). Venue: The Box, Nal Stop, Pune

Note: The audience number will be restricted to less than fifty percent of the capacity of the venue as per the government directives.

Buy your tickets here

To know more about the IAPAR theatre festival, click here