All workshops will be held online.

Boîtes à culture : Culture workshops which will introduce you to French cinema, literature and history 
Atelier Bande DessinéeA2+17th to 21st MayM, W, F11am to 12noon900/-Discover 3 different comics strips in French !
Atelier CinémaA2+24th to 28th MayM, Tu, Th, F2 to 3pm1200/-Enjoy discussing  french language films available on free streaming platforms
Atelier LitératureB1+31st May to 4th JuneM, W, F2 to 3pm900/-Escape into the magical world of literature. Discover francophone authors both classic and contemporary through extracts of their best work.
Voyages virtuelsA2+14th to 18th JuneM, W, F11am to 12noon900/-Visit three regions in France or three francophone countries through an interactive fun workshop.
Atelier HistoireA2+21st  to 25th JuneM, W, F11am to 12noon900/-Learn about events that have shaped the history of France and their impact on the country and it’s people and culture.
Point grammaire : Revise grammar concepts, clear your doubts, practice and apply the same while speaking or writing in French
Le présentA124th & 25th MayM,T12 to 1.30pm900/-Revision of the basic grammar topic with it’s rules, exceptions and use, followed by exercises and activities to apply the same to oral and written expression.
Le passé composéA126th & 27th MayW, Th12 to 1.30pm900/-
Le passé composé et l’imparfaitA128th & 31st MayF, M12 to 1.30pm900/-
Les articles (définis, indéfinis, contractés et partitifs)A11st & 2nd JuneTu, W12 to 1.30pm900/-
Le futur et l’impératifA13rd & 4th JuneTh, F12 to 1.30pm900/-
Les pronoms personnelsA17th & 8th JuneM, Tu12 to 1.30pm900/-
Le passé composé, l’imparfait et le plus que parfaitA224th & 25th MayM,T2 to 3.30pm900/-Revision of the basic grammar topic with it’s rules, exceptions and use, followed by exercises and activities to apply the same to oral and written expression.
L’impératif et le conditionnelA226th & 27th MayW, Th2 to 3.30pm900/-
Le subjonctif (obligation, but, sentiments)A228th & 31st MayF, M2 to 3.30pm900/-
Les doubles pronomsA21st & 2nd JuneTu, W2 to 3.30pm900/-
Les pronoms relatifs simplesA23rd & 4th JuneTh, F2 to 3.30pm900/-
Le passifA27th & 8th JuneM, Tu2 to 3.30pm900/-
Le gérondif et le participe présentA29th & 10th JuneW, Th2 to 3.30pm900/-
Atelier ConversationB1+17th to 21st MayM, W, F11am to 12noon900/-Conversation workshops on Current events. Have a great time discussing events, expressing your opinions and exchanging ideas with other participants
B1+7th to 14th JuneM,W,F18.30 to 19.30900/-
Les pronoms relatifs simples et composésB1+14th & 15th JuneM,T10.30am to 12 noon.900/-Revision of the basic grammar topic with it’s rules, exceptions and use, followed by exercises and activities to apply the same to oral and written expression.
L’expression du butB1+16th & 17th JuneW, Th10.30am to 12 noon.900/-
L’expression de la cause et de la conséquenceB1+18th & 21st JuneF, M10.30am to 12 noon.900/-
Les indéfinisB1+22nd & 23rd JuneTu, W10.30am to 12 noon.900/-
Le conditionnel présent, le conditionnel passé et l’hypothèseB1+24th & 25th JuneTh, F10.30am to 12 noon.900/-
L’expression de l’opposition et la concessionB1+28th & 29th JuneM, Tu10.30am to 12 noon.900/-
Le subjonctif ou l’indicatif ?B1+30th June & 1st JulyW, Th10.30am to 12 noon.900/-
Les temps du passéB1+2nd & 5th JulyF, M10.30am to 12 noon.900/-
Other Workshops : Improve your pronunciation, your conversation & writing with some fun activities.
Atelier PhonétiqueA1+17th to 28thMayM, Tu, W, Th, F12.30 to 1.30pm2750/-Improve your pronunciations, intonation and French accent. Speak french like the French !and int
Atelier Ecriture créativeA2+21st to 25th JuneM, W, F11am to 12h30pm1350/-Creative writing workshops in French. Have fun with words, create different types of texts through various techniques and tools.
Atelier ConversationB1+17th to 21st MayM, W, F11am to 12noon900/-Conversation workshops on Current events. Have a great time discussing events, expressing your opinions and exchanging ideas with other participants
B1+7th to 14th JuneM,W,F18.30 to 19.30900/-